Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Greetings all,

  I am just wanted to update you all and let you know that I will be making new posts to this cob"web" blog that you see here.  I will post new things every Friday, and by things I mean maybe a post, maybe a pic, or even some text from a guest speaker. I will do an update on Friday evenings EST... Read that as "Second verse, same as the first" (i.e. It is a line from the old Herman's Hermits song "Henry the VII" where it literally means that the second verse is the same as the first verse. It is commonly used an expression of frustration or exasperation with someone who tells the same lie or story repeatedly.)  I promise this time I will not falter.  I will stand on my soapbox to make sure you get your daily chuckle or things that make you say hmmm.  Even at my expense.

-I've got the moves like...