-- Posted From My iPhone
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Spit or swallow?
I just wanted to play on words just so I can sahe this picture with you. This was at an aquarium in Okinawa nice place. It is the second biggest in the world. The one that beats it. Just by a little is in atlanta

-- Posted From My iPhone
-- Posted From My iPhone
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Ello brutha. From Havaii
Sunday, June 14, 2009
In brightest day.....
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Club night
I can say that club Naha in Okinawa is really good. They played most of the best club mixes and the ladies... Hot!!! I would take a lot of pictures, but I don't want to look like a perv.
I do have a pic of the store across the street. This is where everyone waits for cabs and eats like crazy.

-- Posted From My iPhone
I do have a pic of the store across the street. This is where everyone waits for cabs and eats like crazy.
-- Posted From My iPhone
Friday, May 1, 2009
Everybody wants one
Hey all I just wanted to drop a line to say elli! I just wanted to ask everyone a question if I posted a lot of picture would you wan to see them here on a nifty little slideshow, or would you want to see them on flicker or some other site? I have afacebook , but that place scares me now. I have been stalked to much from that site. Oh and for all of you who veiw my Bligh. Sign up to follow it. Itnot that I am am attention whore, but it's just easier for me to see who visists rather the random emails I get. Oh and for cindy from Oklahoma ( my old stomping ground) here you go

-- Posted From My iPhone
-- Posted From My iPhone
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Being pimp
Hey this new iPhone has opened some doors for me. I got a mvoe deal just from owning it and looking cool with it. LOL. I am heading to OSaka soon, and I am going to Alaska. I will keep you all posted with pictures and such. I can stream videos and I plan to entertain you all as much as possible.
oh and BTW. My movies dropped last week on Singapore here is a promo they hung up at the hotel I was stating LOL

-- Posted From My iPhone
oh and BTW. My movies dropped last week on Singapore here is a promo they hung up at the hotel I was stating LOL
-- Posted From My iPhone
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Childhood themes
Saturday, March 28, 2009
An Apple a day...

Ok so I know its been a while since I have posted anything. It really isn't my fault, I fell into a trap. The age old trap of " Hey look something Shiney!" Yes ladies and gentlemen I have an Iphone!. Woot! I feels so connected it not funny. I have a nice little package deal... unlimited internet, and feel call to other Iphones in my network. I feel like I am part of some Borg Collective. My thoughts will be their thoughts, txting is free and there are tons of apps that let me "tweet" like twitter to other Iphones. I can put my favorite show on it.. ok ok read into that a little :) I can also play games when I am really bored. I can use WiFi or the Cellular network. I hear that apple is coming out with a new version in june. I think I will be an early updater instead of a late one like I am now. Well sorry I have a few more txt to answer, and I am watching taken on the little screen. I hope you look into one on your own. These little poor man BlackBerrys reall catured my attention. Then again it's not that hard... because I ... oh wait... Smallvile is on talk later...
Saturday, March 7, 2009
The Master or the Apprentice?

Happy New Month ALL!... Just wanted to drop a line. Sorry I have not been updateing, but I recently purchesd Street Fighter IV for PS3. I have to say it was a really good game. A solid rental title.. ok ok ok enough about that. This blog is a bit different from my others. I keep this one light hearted and try to keep obscure movie references out of it, but a lot has happend so I need to just touch a quick subject. Now I know you can guess where this is going by looking at the picutre, so let me add a few more words to the "Illustration" provided. I am Dooku, people all over the island of Japan either envy me or hate me. I must tell you they do not know I am Dooku, but they know I am sith non-the-less :P I have been blacklisted and avoided, but still manage to get into and onto what ever I want ( go ahead jabes laugh at the one) Carefull wordplay.. guilt shifting, and charm have gotten me where I want to be. I can't say it's all good, because some people still spit at me, and hate me so much with there eyes when they see me I feel as if I will burst into flames. Oh well... my time he is short I just have to make it out alive. lol... I don't think I will, but just at the illfated character and move refernce I have put in this blog, when I leave what will happen? It will not be known if I was the Apprentice, or the Master? irregardless... someone will be here to take my place... so strike me down if you must.

Friday, February 13, 2009
She thinks my PC's Sexy!

Hello all!
Welcome back! I just wante to pop on and talk about my New PC. I love this thing! It is a quad core 2.6 Proc... tons of space 750Gig... and a nice if not overhated Vid card with a seconday card that I can wacth good old T.V. on. whoa whoa whoa ladies.. calm down.. I only show this monster once a month. I know that the raw power you feel imminating from it turns you on, but it's not for sale... or rent... but you can use me.. Oh I mean IT! ... It.. whew. I only have one gripe about my new PC. The software load out and the investment of time I make with it, makes me feel like a parent. I mean hear me out... every thing I load (Teach) on my computer I do with care in the hopes that I don't currupt it. I make it my own (sense of history) teach about what to do what not to do. I grow as it grows, but then at some point and time if will crash (Move out go to College and join a frat) I will be heartbroken.. consider more kids (Another computer) and then decide against it because I don't want to go thru that pain again... hmmm
I love My PC.. Does it love me?
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Second Verse same as the First!

So ok... everyone here in Japan knows how much I love Kareoke, well ok I can't say love.
I mean I say that word a lot.. you know? I say things like I love Cake, I love movies, but this is something far deeper then that. I mean aside from the obvious legalities of Flesh peddleing (I stay away from those places) there is something deeply moveing about that fact that you can pay some pretty young thing to bring you drinks and praise your bad singing for an Hour or soo. I mean there have been plenty of nights where I would run out of Money and say.. "I know! I will use my credit card!" I really wish had come here as a younger lad. I mean being out all night at my age is almost like a scene from interview with a vampire. My clothes are slightly out of sync with the modern day fad, and I have charm to spare. I often can be seen running to my room with my coat over my head being chashed by the light if righteousness at 4:30 am (That's why they call it the land of the rising sun!) when I get home I have great Buzz, and memories of how much fun i had a few hours before. Oh but it is not all drinks and outrageous claims... no no no. I go to sleep and often wake up with a killer hanger over. I then regret that one I always hear that famous line from my partner in crime that makes us throw caution to the wind... "I have 200 YEN.. air in my lungs, and the feeling that good things are going to happen.." lol yeah that and the phrase lets go to Hiroshima.. those are never good on a saturday night...
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
2009 and I' Feeling fine
Ok so here I am officially two weeks into 2009, and I wanted to see what I have accomplished thus far… I have two lists. One is my New Years resolutions, and the other is what I actually did… let’s Go over them shall we?
1. Finish my Biography… "Pimp I am"
2. Fight Steven Segal
3. Kiss Traci Lords
4. Let the dogs out! (Yes Again)
5. Actually take part in talk like a pirate day
6. Try Geocaching (I know you are going to look it up… go ahead… I will wait… )
7. Get BACK in shape AGAIN!
8. Stop telling people this is why I am hot.
9. Draw less
10. Talk more
11. Swap nine and ten because I get confused sometimes
Ok so now let’s see what I have done so far
1. Brewed a pot of plain water and sold it as clear coffee at the Dept Head Meeting
2. Joined the Darkside
3. Hung out with old people… jus to hear some stories
4. Stepped off random curbs with my eyes closed and imagined it was a cliff
5. Repeated the same word over and over for Seventy-Seconds, until it lost it’s meaning (I chose "Dog") go ahead try it
6. Looked up a co-worker name and info on web, then send spooky email about how I fell in love with there smell, and stated thing that only a good friend would know
7. When people called me for help I answer the phone by saying "Yes I am calling for Delivery... I would like a large Pizza with extra mushrooms….
8. When ever a meeting goes over 30 min... I would let someone say something and I will follow it up with "and the next idiot said” and looked around the table
Ok so I did not do anything I was supposed to do, but I did look for dam Steven Spegal... And even looked for Jean Claude Got-damn... Just for giggles but they all hide form me
And for those who did not look up GeoCashing by now here it is for you
1. Finish my Biography… "Pimp I am"
2. Fight Steven Segal
3. Kiss Traci Lords
4. Let the dogs out! (Yes Again)
5. Actually take part in talk like a pirate day
6. Try Geocaching (I know you are going to look it up… go ahead… I will wait… )
7. Get BACK in shape AGAIN!
8. Stop telling people this is why I am hot.
9. Draw less
10. Talk more
11. Swap nine and ten because I get confused sometimes
Ok so now let’s see what I have done so far
1. Brewed a pot of plain water and sold it as clear coffee at the Dept Head Meeting
2. Joined the Darkside
3. Hung out with old people… jus to hear some stories
4. Stepped off random curbs with my eyes closed and imagined it was a cliff
5. Repeated the same word over and over for Seventy-Seconds, until it lost it’s meaning (I chose "Dog") go ahead try it
6. Looked up a co-worker name and info on web, then send spooky email about how I fell in love with there smell, and stated thing that only a good friend would know
7. When people called me for help I answer the phone by saying "Yes I am calling for Delivery... I would like a large Pizza with extra mushrooms….
8. When ever a meeting goes over 30 min... I would let someone say something and I will follow it up with "and the next idiot said” and looked around the table
Ok so I did not do anything I was supposed to do, but I did look for dam Steven Spegal... And even looked for Jean Claude Got-damn... Just for giggles but they all hide form me
And for those who did not look up GeoCashing by now here it is for you
Sunday, January 11, 2009
2009 Year of the Beta

Alpha Males get everything, Beta Males get the left overs. It's a little thing called "Life"..
The opposite of Alpha male. In modern society an Alpha male not only requires physical prowess, but also confidence and attitude. The Beta male of modern society usually, only has one of these traits, if any. The Beta male tends to be smart, quiet and unconfrontational. If lucky, Beta males can get a hot chick once in her 30's, after she's tired of fucking the Alpha Males, and decides to settle down with a beta male for money and stability. Now not much can be done about this because modern day T.V. re-enforces that standard. I know that there are so many things that I have learned from romantic comedies that I could write a book on this subject....
1: The girl of my dreams is probably American (Because all the hots girls are here)
2: Women fake it (Becuase there care about us soooooo much )
3: I’ll meet her when I least expect it (Sort of like how you find you car keys by not looking)
4: Chances are she’s seeing someone else (I am a beta male BTW)
5: Our friends will be heavily involved in the process (Friends make a good package deal)
6: I’ll probably have to breach airport security at some point, or at the very least run a bit
Now these six rules will always apply. I mean I am thirty (30) now, and women in my age group are going crazy for me. I have no idea why because I was a ten (10) when I was in college, and now at my best I am 5.5.... Oh well at least I did not go the way of the BetaMAX... good quality small in stature, but still lost to VHS... lol.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Zombie Apocolypse....

Ok so here is the issue I was wondering what I should blog about, and Right now the ony intresting thing that I am doing is working on some green screening, and playing RESISTANCE 2 on the PS3. R2 has been a good ride so far, as I usualy don't get into FPS games I am at a loss as to why I am still playing it. I think that says something to the quality of this game. I think the last survival Horror/SciFi FPS I played was Resident Evil 2. I really enjoyed that game... I took my sweet time on that game. I have spent almost as much time building my Sofa couch cushion fortress, and stayed there hiding from the voices... oh I know you are thinking... what the hell are you talking about? Nothing today I just wanted to share this picture with you all and wanted to setup me posting it here :P enjoy
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Like a Leaky Boat...
Welcome and Hello all!,
I just wanted to say welcome to my blog, and to say out load. What! Another page or applet out on the web I need to mantain. I mean talk about your information overkill... I mean sometimes i can't get to sleep. I think about the implications, of diving in toooo deep... lol
Ok Ok those of you who can actually remember more than four (4) songs frome eighties will know what that madness was about.... Elemenet Eighty I think that is a hard rock group? Hmmm oh well I am starting to banter because it if 0640 in the Morning here in... oh almost spilled the beans... more to come later! Good Night! whooo hoooo
I just wanted to say welcome to my blog, and to say out load. What! Another page or applet out on the web I need to mantain. I mean talk about your information overkill... I mean sometimes i can't get to sleep. I think about the implications, of diving in toooo deep... lol
Ok Ok those of you who can actually remember more than four (4) songs frome eighties will know what that madness was about.... Elemenet Eighty I think that is a hard rock group? Hmmm oh well I am starting to banter because it if 0640 in the Morning here in... oh almost spilled the beans... more to come later! Good Night! whooo hoooo
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