Hello all!
Welcome back! I just wante to pop on and talk about my New PC. I love this thing! It is a quad core 2.6 Proc... tons of space 750Gig... and a nice if not overhated Vid card with a seconday card that I can wacth good old T.V. on. whoa whoa whoa ladies.. calm down.. I only show this monster once a month. I know that the raw power you feel imminating from it turns you on, but it's not for sale... or rent... but you can use me.. Oh I mean IT! ... It.. whew. I only have one gripe about my new PC. The software load out and the investment of time I make with it, makes me feel like a parent. I mean hear me out... every thing I load (Teach) on my computer I do with care in the hopes that I don't currupt it. I make it my own (sense of history) teach about what to do what not to do. I grow as it grows, but then at some point and time if will crash (Move out go to College and join a frat) I will be heartbroken.. consider more kids (Another computer) and then decide against it because I don't want to go thru that pain again... hmmm
I love My PC.. Does it love me?
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