So ok... everyone here in Japan knows how much I love Kareoke, well ok I can't say love.
I mean I say that word a lot.. you know? I say things like I love Cake, I love movies, but this is something far deeper then that. I mean aside from the obvious legalities of Flesh peddleing (I stay away from those places) there is something deeply moveing about that fact that you can pay some pretty young thing to bring you drinks and praise your bad singing for an Hour or soo. I mean there have been plenty of nights where I would run out of Money and say.. "I know! I will use my credit card!" I really wish had come here as a younger lad. I mean being out all night at my age is almost like a scene from interview with a vampire. My clothes are slightly out of sync with the modern day fad, and I have charm to spare. I often can be seen running to my room with my coat over my head being chashed by the light if righteousness at 4:30 am (That's why they call it the land of the rising sun!) when I get home I have great Buzz, and memories of how much fun i had a few hours before. Oh but it is not all drinks and outrageous claims... no no no. I go to sleep and often wake up with a killer hanger over. I then regret that one I always hear that famous line from my partner in crime that makes us throw caution to the wind... "I have 200 YEN.. air in my lungs, and the feeling that good things are going to happen.." lol yeah that and the phrase lets go to Hiroshima.. those are never good on a saturday night...
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